jueves, octubre 15, 2009

Algunas preguntas que han echo en don quichotte: http://www.donquichotte.at/_dq_/content/blogsection/1/153/lang,tr/
a varios caricaturistas sobre la caricatura, he aquí mis respuestas


1) World Cartoon, especially when we are thinking on "subject with humor," have a stoppage. Almost without any researches we are working on a very first idea that comes to our mind. The result of this ends with similar cartoons. Do you think, we need to solve this problem? What can be done?
Similar cartoons are easy to find, in my case I search very carfully for the concept, and that problem still gets for me in regular cases.

2) According to us, one of the biggest responsible of frequently appearance of ''similar'' cartoons is jurors of the contests. In particular the jurors who do not use the Internet as a medium votes for similar cartoons. We have a suggestion to prevent similarities on cartoons: Just to exhibit all submissions posted for contest in a digital gallery on the web site of the arrangers. This can maintain a healthy result for the final cartoons. ''Don Quichotte'' has already lunched this method for a while ago. Do you have any different suggestions about this?

My 2 last cartoons, don’t appear in the gallerys, I search and I don’t find it, but must be a misunderstanding between the parts involved.

3) What is your opinion on ''Censorship in Cartoon?'' Should a cartoon be restrictions on it? If yes, what is the borders of this?

The cartoon must be restricted about violence, the cartoon doesn’t have to be converted in harcore, gore, cartoons, that’s mi case.
Anyways a little action doesn´t hurt nobody

4) Also at recent periods we find more technically perfect cartoons, almost close to ''illustration'' in definition and it seems they concern more plastic art which replace the traditionally cartooning with simple lines. It is a reality that there exists cartoonists/artists who produce on this track and who be very successful too. Our concern is mostly on that the priority of humor -the gag or the idea if you wish- stays in background. As it is known, the cartoon in definition is an expression with ''least and original'' lines. Do you think so you too?

Its not mi case

5) What kind of structures the cartoonists need to act in solidarity, organized as a whole against lawsuits? We need your alternative suggestions in order to create more strong cartoon unity, shoulder to shoulder, which will work internationally. Do you have any suggestions?

I suggest you meet in groups more often, do sketching in big screens for everyone to see.

Daniel Lotero-Colombia

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Día del diseñador

lotiu-diseñador Bueno acabo de darme cuenta que es mañana, pero de todas maneras sirve, para ir calentando motores.